It will take a bit of time to allow it to ferment but this recipe works very well. Get a 5 gallon bucket and pour it half full of corn. Cover with water. Add 2 package of grape kool-aid and one bottle of 7 UP. Then add two packages of dry yeast. Put a lid on it and let it sit for about a week. The corn will sour and the hogs cant resist it. You can either pour on top of ground or dig a hole as mentioned above. Or get you a 4" PVC pipe about 4' long and drill several holes in it just large enough the a kernel of corn will come out when bumped. Glue cap on one end and Screw a cap on the other end, one with eye ring and tie to a tree. The hogs will beat it around trying to knock the corn out.

"Don't cling to Mistake, just because you spent a lot of time making it."