Originally Posted by bigt
Originally Posted by CKyleC
Originally Posted by centralala
Originally Posted by bigt
The numbers are what they are for a variety of reasons......some areas just don't have nearly as many deer anymore, some hunters have grown more selective and some are just outlaws that refuse to obey the law. The State just needs to enforce the GC regulation and start setting up the bag limits from the numbers they have. People would probably start taking it serious then smile

I hope you are kidding about dropping the limits off GC #s. Think about it this way. People are not following the GC law. So you lower the limit and expect them to follow the new law? The only affect changing the limits would have on are the ones already using GC. I'm not sure who would start taking it serious, those who are taking it serious already or those who aren't and wont?

Have you paid any attention to how government operates? This is exactly what will happen.

If you ask me, they're getting exactly what they want: Data that they can point to saying numbers are down and we need to go to a one buck limit

How in the hell would a one buck limit help solve low deer numbers? The only real way to increase deer numbers is to back off the killing of the baby makers. I certainly hope nobody would try to sell a one buck limit as a way to combat low deer numbers.

It doesn't and I didn't say it did. I believe the state wants a one buck limit and that they will use the GC #'s to justify it

"In Alabama, we prefer to kill small bucks on big properties"-Turkey247