Originally Posted by Clem
Originally Posted by donia
I think it’s been here (ms), but we’ve just never tested for it so heavily, as we are now. It is most likely present there(al), too, and will be found if (when) y’all start testing more heavily.

Mississippi, like Alabama, has tested deer for CWD for more than 15 years if I recall correctly. The number of deer tested each year varied, depending on available money, but it's not like they've only tested for a couple of years.

If CWD isn't in Alabama it will be at some point. Just a matter of time.

The sky won't fall, deer hunting won't end, life will go on just like it does in Wisconsin and Minnesota and Arkansas and the other two dozen states or provinces with it. We'll just deal with things a little differently. I just hope research is being done into some other segments, such as whether avian or canine predators can spread the prions in scat and whether there's any connection between CWD and humans.

The thing that truly baffles me is the number of people who ask things like "What is this, is it like EHD?" or "What does the state plan to do about this?" or other questions that have been answered ad nauseum. They aren't paying attention, don't read or listen, and don't care about educating themselves. I'm don't understand how some people can be that truly ignorant about something that has been discussed here for more than 10 years, easily and known in the deer world for much longer.

Once again, Clem calls it right, I agree with you 100% baffling that tons of people have no idea what it is or care to educate themselves.