I think that he is such an egomaniac that he honestly feels that with another year and him personally calling the plays, he can completely turn the program around and everyone will love him again.

Then again, it takes big money at the house to run the Gus bus. He might be figuring that since AU had the Brinks truck back up to his front door last year, he already knows he's got a sucker on the line. He might be rolling the dice and hoping to win 9 or 10 games then beat Bama and/or GA next year and get a 10-15 year, $70 to $105 million dollar contract extension tacked onto his current one. He already knows it's not out to the question with who the group running the show and calling the shots at AU. He figures, give a little right now to stay in the game and potentially get a lot more later. When his buyout eclipses $100 million, then he can retire in style. Go Gus!