Have almost never had a good experience with loggers.
The only ones I have seen done right and left the area and roads better than when found it were from a company with their own timber crew. They fixed all the roads, did water bars and turn outs and graveled the bad spots. The rest have done very crappy unless the landowner stayed on them.

Currently I could fill a 16 ft trailer with all the bad tires and empty 5 gal buckets and oil jugs left behind we have found thrown off in the woods, rolled down into ditches or covered in limb piles.
Oil changes done out on the ground. Some were done over small brush piles then with old filters and all burned. On property behind locked gates and no other access way off the main road have had skidder trails on a thinning job go right beside stands and later found the cables or locks cut with a torch and stands gone.
Had a miles worth of old power poles from a dead line the power co had came and pulled up and gave to us when they left. Those disappeared. Culvert pipes disappeared. Old gates or posts out thru the property gone. Cross ties gone. Had a hill well outside of their flagged boundary going out thru a long kudzu patch we just the yr before had finally gotten a dozer rented and side cut the hill and deep crowned the road so it would last a long time. Skidder for some reason ended up out in the kudzu patch and with his blade down went down the road and took all the crown off the road filling in the ditches. Was no reason for him to even be out there and dang sure no reason to blade it flat.
I cringe everytime i hear that loggers are or might be coming.

Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching - even when doing the wrong thing is legal. Aldo Leopold .. (except when it comes to trailer tags)