James, southwood7. You two must be cuckolds that enjoy watching other men pleasing your wives because yall lack the equipment. I'm willing to bet yall might be butt buddies, acting like little sissies. 😂I'm going to assume you guys are just giving me heat just for the helluvit. You cannot be serious. My goodness guys. Not that I have to explain anything to you dipchits, but like i told 257 in text msgs, the deer never even crossed the damn pond. The dog went clueless at the pond. And those guys figured he went in. I went back the next monring at first daylight and found him on the opposite side at a woodline, which was way off their normal trail. Pull the metadata and whatever else you need to float your boat. I frankly dont give a flying puck. To the guys who said congrats, thanks. To the asshats and chitheads, PM for details on how to properly go phuck yourselves. 😏