I’m not gonna destroy someone’s equipment or retaliate in a manner like that. I have more character and morals than to retaliate that way. I’m out a few hundred bucks and another lesson learned. Had I known that they were going to move to that area I would’ve retrieved them before but they weren’t suppose to be in that area according to what info our club president got. I walked the area (not very large yet) where they cut no evidence of a busted camera/climbing sticks there or at loading area. It is what it is but it’s very frustrating to say the least. I work hard for my $ as I’m sure most of you do. Maybe it will turn up and maybe he just needed it worse than me. Either way I can’t change it and one thing life and the legal system has taught me is that no one gives 2 shits about me, just move on and count my losses. I try to look at this way, in my job I see people who are diagnosed with or someone they love is diagnosed with a disease or terminal illness so I’m thankful that this was my bad news, it can be replaced eventually, just frustrates me.