Originally Posted by Ryano

No doubt, if there and have nothing else lined up and the man wants it tracked. I was curious if he had bedded down and was jumped. I assume even in that short amount of time if lethally injured the dogs would be able to keep his attention until he could be finished. It sounds like he was long gone in that hour. Maybe he will make it if that's the case.

That’s what we were thinking….Maybe we would get lucky and he was hurt enough to bed down quickly close by and bay up when the dogs found him. I told them if we found him and he broke bay then we’d just back out. It never even came to that though….he never even checked up after the shot and most likely just had a sore shoulder. We compared the broken bolt to a new one and he didn’t get squat for penetration. The difference in the lengths of the bolts was about the length of your pinky or ring finger.

We dont rent pigs