Originally Posted by bowtarist
…... And as far as someone being the best tracker, I don't believe there is a "best". I believe there are folks who have more experience. My numbers will never be as good as the trackers that pick and choose what call to take. If I feel like the deer will survive, I state my opinion and tell them I'll come out regardless if they want me to.

I completely agree…..There’s a lot of good dogs and trackers out there. It slays me when I see people post on social media that this guy or that guy has the best tracking dog they’ve every seen…PERIOD!.......I want to ask them…..”So just how many tracking dogs have you actually ever watched?”… grin ….What’s really happening is that very few people have ever watched a tracking dog work…. so when one comes out and finds a deer in 15 minutes that they’ve spent hours looking for…..it blows their mind.

As far as “numbers” go……It’s just my personal opinion but I’d forget all about them and just go help the hunters in your area that call looking for help. I’m speaking to all trackers. Numbers are just something for us males to poke our chests out about and it’s obvious that numbers mean more than they should. Numbers can be heavily manipulated by only selecting for calls like gut shots while turning the others down. To me that’s not tracking to help the hunters as much as its tracking for the tracker’s sake….This is all just my opinion though and you know what they say about opinions….. grin

Last edited by CNC; 11/20/18 08:23 AM.

We dont rent pigs