Originally Posted by Abbhudson
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by Abbhudson

just remember y'all said that "just do what you're told by the cops" is bs the next time its an unarmed black man that gets shot.

Tell us how many unarmed citizens have actually been shot by police?
I agree that would be grand scale hypocrisy if any of us were advocates of shooting innocent law abiding citizens, regardless of race, creed, inbreeding or hair style.
But I'm pretty sure that hasn't happened.

Really? you haven't been paying much attention then, or really you have just written all then instances off as the cops must have been right.

I'm just saying any other police shooting everyone on here jumps to wait for the facts, looked like a thug, should have complied, must have been doing something to deserve it, etc.

Now just because its a white dude standing up for his rights (even though according to the article he literally went for a gun while talking to cops) and everyone is all he's an innocent victim of an oppressive system.

Again, I agree its an entirely overreaching law and the cops shouldn't have been there but the blatant hypocrisy being shown is ridiculous.

The reason people are jumping on the cops in this situation,is because it is a bit unique from the usual cop execution because by all accounts this guy was at home,minding his own business,not hurting anyone,when cops arrived and ended up killing him. Yes,if yo go for a gun when cops show up you should know you will get shot,but there are better ways of handling these things.

Cops should never show up at your house if you haven't committed a crime. If someone may not be mentally capable of owning guns,there needs to be a mental competency hearing before any cops arrive.