Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by gman
Ahhhh, but "if it gets to the right person" thing. That "right person" would probably have those shiney boots on.

Reminds me of a judge and a retired game warden in Lowndes County.

Winner. Always gonna find someone who will abuse their authority. When that someone comes after you, your life is phucked. Then you gotta decide if you're gonna bend over and take it like Chad1980 or stand in your front door and say hell naw.

First off I aint bending over and taking anything from anyone and that includes yourself. Facts are if this guy would have never picked up his gun, his ass would still be alive. If the cops would have never went there they would not have had to shoot the guy? Was he right, were the cops right, were the family member that turned him wrong? Was he really crazy? Were these vigilante cops? Was the guy a flipping dog molester? Were the cops dog molesters? No one knows, yet. If he would have been somewhat level-headed and assessed the situation he would be above ground right now. Will the cops go to jail for it, maybe. Will this guy down go down as some folk hero who did the right thing, maybe. or the reverse could happen. You dont know, and you certainly dont need to pretend like you know me and my values. I have said time and time again that I dont know who was right or who was in the wrong in the situation. I dont know you nor do i know what you stand for, I never thought after reading some of your comments in the past that you would be saying that cops were wrong before any kind of investigation is completed. So go on and continue your insinuations about how I am not American or whatever you want to say, you dont affect me either way my friend. I am not going to get shot over a crime that I did not commit if a group of sworn officers are asking me about it. There were other ways of dealing with this. So dont bend over and just take what the media is giving you. Everything is #fakenews right?