Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by chad1980
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
When I go down,I will take several with me.

why you got a reason to get flagged? Pretty bold statement to be posting there, for someone just doing their job.

Similar to how the Nazis running the gas chambers at the concentration camps were 'just doing their job'

This is the second dumbest comment yet. I am sure that if the guy would have come to the door like a normal person and engaged the police in a professional manner all of this would have been avoided. Comparing this to the horrors of holocaust makes you sound like a typical liberal piece of trash. I dont like the idea of a relative turning me in and having my guns taken away. However there are better ways of handling a situation than getting your ass shot by or shooting at police officers. Lots of jumping to conclusions here that sound a lot like the BLM people when a black person is shot. Let the story play out and see what happens. No need in getting online talking sheet about what you would do to cops and then comparing said cops to Nazis.