Alabama is already in this boat not from a “Red Flag” law but from PFA statues. If you being a male are accused by a gf or wife irregsrdless of evidence the local sheriff will in most cases come remove all of your firearms as soon as the PFA is signed by DA and served. This can happen without a single act of violence or threat requires only a female to show up and claim to a sympathetic DA that they feel threatened. No due process no court hearing you will just have your second amendment rights violated for the “greater good”.

Sure there are extreme cases where this is needed but in Alabama something like 80% of these are dismissed when you actually get to court 30 or so days later long after your rights are violated.

So for those that say thank goodness you don’t live in Maryland or Cali it can and does happen daily in Alabama.

Life is difficult
Science prevails over bulldoodoo and superstition every time