This is my first year trying these methods. So I checked one of my fields today that I did a side by side test with. Bout a half acre I did the conventional spray disk cover method and the other 1.5 acres I did spray throw and mow. There ain't a nickels worth of difference in them. The only noticeable thing is the TnM has some dead weeds that made it through the mowing that are brown and contrast the green. I'm pretty sure the deer will not care about that. This saves me a ton of time. With three small kids that's worth a lot to me. I am definitely not saying it's the best way for everyone, I'm saying it's the best way for me. I would recommend trying it if you're strapped for time to work on plots.

Also, from everyone I've talked to that does it this way and a lot of articles/threads(including this one) I've read, I anticipate it just getting better as the thatch layer grows into richer top soil.