Originally Posted by sumpter_al
Originally Posted by GKelly
you can buy a soil ph tester for less than $10 one ton of lime per acre will raise ph 1 point ive not seen many plots around here ever be too high in ph unless it was over limed add enough to get it around 6.8 and remember it takes several months to a year to completely work. plant it and fertilize it dont overthink it your growing a food plot not a cash crop. if the ph aint right your wasting money on fertilizer

Come up to Sumter county and Ill show you plots that have never had a single drop of lime on them and some are as high as 7.9. Cant get wheat to grow in them at all. They do love yellow sweet clover and my bees love it so I guess ill keep with that.

then put sulfur to it my point was you dont need every single nutrient perfect on every greenfield youll run yourself crazy get the PH right plant it 2 bags triple 13 to one bag seed hit it with nitrogen in november youll have good fields