I finally got an axe I’ve been wanting for a long time and I’m pretty sure it’s about the best splitting axe money can buy. A little back story. About 10 or 12 years ago when i was in my early 20s and full of piss and vinegar, we were at the hunting club about to split some 30” diameter pine logs to make firewood. I grabbed an 8lb maul and the club president who was about 45 at the time grabbed this little fiskars axe out of the back of his truck (one size smaller than the one i just bought) and asked if i thought i could split wood with that maul faster than he could with his new fiskars axe. I said hell yeah, that little toy couldn’t split one of these logs if Paul Bunyan was swinging it. Well, let’s just say, about 15 minutes later i was wore out and embarrassed. He split twice the amount of wood that i did and wasn’t near as tired. Since then I’ve been wanting one and on Halloween i said dammit, today is the day. I busted a little wood with it as soon as i got home and although almost $70 was a little steep for an axe, i was wishing i had bought one sooner. [Linked Image][Linked Image][Linked Image]

Yeah cmon. Daniel White