Originally Posted by BC
Originally Posted by BradB

5.Since many of you are of the opinion they have the right to do anything they want with every inch of their land then why do I not have the same right.You boys have a problem with consistency. Explain to me your reasoning, assuming you actually have the capacity to reason.

I'll take a stab at it.

Your neighbor put a shooting house on his side of the line (which is his right).

He's guilty of nothing (if and until such time as he shoots across your property line).

Your perception is he's trying to hunt your property (which is an assumption that may or may not be true).

You put up a feeder on your side of the line (which is your right), except you stated that the intent was malicious and intended to hurt or disturb your neighbors hunting.

You hung up wind chimes and CD's down your line with the intent of disturbing the wildlife on your side and his.

Your intention was to disturb, or interfere with his hunting in that area because you don't utilize that area and don't care if it's disturbed.

That falls under the guidelines of hunter harassment.

Most people here think that harassing hunters is a dick move.

Therefore you got the negative response that you got.

Behavior such as this is why houses get burned down and tires get slashed and hunting gets a black eye. It's not really difficult to understand.

What if you went in there one morning to turkey hunt and your neighbor stood on his side of the line and blew an air horn every time you called or when the turkeys started gobbling? It is the same difference.

Drop the microphone...

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe