Originally Posted by ikillbux
First let me say, I'm no fan of professional fishing. I don't follow it, etc. So in no way am I defending them.

Me either.

Originally Posted by ikillbux
However, if I knew a pro tournament was going on, I wouldn't even go fishing on that lake, much less be a jackhole and get in their way if I did.

I don't look at FLW or Bassmaster events and set my fishing schedule around them. Plus they don't have any more right to a "spot" on a public lake than I do.

Originally Posted by ikillbux
Not sure why y'all think it's cute to do that?? They know they don't own the water, but it's their JOB, it's how they make a living.

I sympathize and understand that. I'm not going to let one wash me up on the bank because he saw me catching a few fish. I wouldn't let any pro fisherman or local yokel do it. I don't do it to them and they aint doing that to me.

Originally Posted by ikillbux
I saw a clip one time of an FLW event where Mark Rose was leading the tournament, catching most of his fish off the same offshore hump. (most of those tournaments are won from a guy running the same spots each day) On the final day there was a local boat sitting right on his spot when he got there. He hung around for about an hour hoping the local would leave, but they didn't. Rose wound up finishing 2nd or 3rd in event, cost him the $125,000 check for 1st place AND knocked him out of AOY (which could be worth who knows what in endorsements). Yeah, that'a way to show him!!

Sucks for him. I bet there was hundreds of thousands of square yards for him to catch fish in that lake. I would be willing to bet that every fish in that lake wasn't stacked up on that hump.

Originally Posted by ikillbux
Now, if we're just talking about local dudes in an amateur tournament, then I agree with y'all. Get lost, buddy!

What makes the FLW or Bassmaster guys any more important than anyone else on the lake? It's a public lake, right?

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge