Originally Posted by Brent100
Would Doekiller or Jawbone sum this up for us.

Sum up what exactly? The three kids were arrested based on a Probable Cause warrant when, in my opinion and the opinion of most of us, there was no Probable Cause. The judge who was an Aldeer member then found them guilty beyond a Reasonable Doubt, which is a more stringent standard than Probable Cause. One of the boy's mom, who was also an Aldeer member appealed it to District Court where that judge also found them guilty despite the lack of evidence. They then appealed the case to the Alabama Supreme Court, where the convictions were tossed out. The transcripts of the court proceedings were posted so everybody that read them could see there was a lack of evidence. The Judge tried to justify his ruling on here by basically saying he has known the ex-game warden who signed the warrants and knows he wouldn't lie about it basically trying to justify the conviction without any evidence as I recall. The link to the transcripts should be in the original thread and if you really want to know about it you should read it yourself instead of relying on my memory.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.