Originally Posted by booth2
I’m gonna try and make a long story short. I have leased some property from a woman that has land at the top and sides of a mountain. But to get to it, you must use the deeded access right of way that she has leading through someone else’s property. That someone else’s property is her ex-husbands and hers, that they still own together…and they hate each other. I met the ex-husband’s son yesterday, just to introduce myself and let him know who I was and he informed me that “daddy” wasn’t going to cooperate and that I needed to find another access point. Said it was nothing against me, he just hates his ex-so much that he won’t allow me to use it. My question is if I lease this property and have permission from one of the owners to access the property, can the ex-husband legally keep me from using it? I’m still worried that he may try and block it or put something out to flatten my tires if a judge made him let me use it, or shoot me…the dude seems unreasonable. What would yall do?

I'm going on the information provided to give my legal opinion, which is not all that I'd want to know if you were having a real legal consult with me. The legal answer is, if she has an easement by conveyance (the deed), then he can't legally prevent you from using the easement for ingress and egress to her land. You don't need his permission.

The real world answer is, if these are the kind of people that would do damage to you and/or yours out of spite, then you've leased a problem. I'd see if she'd let you out of the lease.