Originally Posted by Goatkiller

The bottom line is this... Timber isn't a good investment. The returns are not there as compared to other investment opportunities. None are without risk and on a small tract you have a significant amount of risk in timber in my opinion. All you profit could easily get wiped out by weather or disease or pine beetles, etc. Moderate risk and moderate to low return.

If your goal is to invest in something but also do this for the recreational aspects, i.e. place to hunt, etc. That is ok. But from an investment standpoint this is not a great place to put your money.

I said this a few months back on here and several local experts were crying foul like their arse was on fire and tried to convince that is was not the case.... timber is a great investment.

I guess it takes a WSJ article.

Exactly my thoughts.
It doesn't pay rent and it doesn't pay dividends. All while you've got 25 years of risk and paying property taxes on the land.

"They ain't makin more land." Yes I agree but a lot of land doesn't increase in value past inflation.
Some of course hits the big time and sells at $40,000 an area.

My goal is own land eventually but it would be strictly recreational.