You won't believe what happened to me today. I flew out to Phoenix for a real estate conference. I got picked up at the airport by an Uber driver and was heading to the hotel and my stomach started grumbling and I knew that a massive poop was on the way. By the time I got to the hotel around 5pm I knew I didn't have much time left before I crapped my pants if I didn't find a toilet. So I check in at the front desk and they give me my room key. I grab my bags and walk down this long hallway that seemed like forever to my room. I hurried up and opened the door with my room key as fast as possible. I got the door opened, threw my luggage down in the floor, and filled that toilet up as soon as my pants dropped.

As I'm sitting there on the toilet, I look over at the shower and I see several women's razors as well as women's hair products and body wash. They apparently gave me the wrong room because a woman's stuff was in this room. So I'm sitting there thinking I better hurry up and finish before this woman walks in on me destroying her toilet. What if she has a gun? What if her boyfriend or husband is with her? So I finish up, wash my hands at her sink, and walk back up to the front desk. I tell the girl working at the hotel that they gave me a room that already had somebody's stuff in it.

She apologized and the manager looked nervous, so he went around the corner to go check out the room. I can't imagine his reaction when he walked in that room and smelled that smell. Poor woman probably walked into her room tonight thinking who knows what. I think I also threw a diet dew bottle in her trash on the way out. You can't make this up!!!!

Broker/Owner and Area Representative for 1st Class Real Estate
2018's #1 Real Estate Agent according to the Tuscaloosa News