Pee same way as u do in climber. As far as taking a dump in a tree I have never done that and I hunted for 29 years. I get down and crap in a hole or in a creek if I have to that bad. Leaning back...... they have a back band which is a must have in my opinion and supports your back nicely.
Originally Posted by Sasquatch Lives
Those things look like a nightmare. They look uncomfortable. Can you lean back against anything in them? How do you pee out of one? How do you take a sky dump out of one?

Pee same way as u do in climber. As far as taking a dump in a tree I have never done that and I have hunted for 29 years. I get down and crap in a hole or in a creek if I have to that bad. Leaning back...... they have a back band which is a must have in my opinion and supports your back nicely.