For the past couple years, I've had a couple Muscovy drakes down in my parents' pond. My Mom adores them, goes down and feeds them, talks to them, etc., daily, and when they're gone somewhere on the road, we always hear "please feed the ducks"...not "watch the house" or anything else! Anyway, my Mom has said for some time that the 2 drakes needed some hens in there with them. So 'Huntress and I bought 10 hens. This morning was time to turn them out in their new home. They all marched out of the crate and into the water...swam straight across the pond, marched up the other bank and into the woods...haven't seen them since! *L* The drakes were hand raised, and these hens were about half grown...didn't want to fool with hand raising more, but I guess I'll get some younger ducklings and hand raise them before moving them down there, maybe they'll stay!

Well behaved women never make history.~ Out back
Quit laughing...I think I broke something.

Fifteen is my limit on Schnitzen-Gruben, Baby...

I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but only for a minute.