I went to some public land this afternoon. Come to find out, the place has been hunted to death. Needless to say, I didn't see a thang. On my way back to the house off of 219, I round the curve and there are 7 does n youngans in the neighbors yard. Turn on the driveway and there are 4 more in the road. I pull into the front yard and there are does everywhere. Runnin in amongst em like a cuttn horse is a perfectly symmetrical 8pt that would prolly score around 130 or so. He was chasing them does all over the front yard. Talkin about gettn your blood boilin. He didnt even care I was there. I checked the camera and saw that a broke rack buck had been through there chasing does at about 4:25. So I can safely say now the chasing phase of the rut has started here. Right on time.

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