Was on the warrior river last Halloween morning helping a friend do a tree job. About 9am that morning i heard this commotion in the water at the same time i turned to my right and within about 20ft of myself there was an eagle diving down hittiing the top of the river. I didn't believe my eyes as I'd never seen a eagle this close to my house(about 15 minutes away on I22) let alone that close to me in the wild. The homeowner asked"was that an eagle?" I told him i do believe so. Then about 10yrds down river a duck came resurfacing. Then wouldn't you know it here comes the eagle again and again which visually verified it was an eagle cause that 1st incident happened so fast.This went on for 4/5 times. The duck to my knowledge survived the incident as they both eventually got out of sight around the bend. Homeowner had lived there several years prior and had never seen anything like it. Actually only heard rumors about a pair of eagles nesting on the bluff a few 100 yards downstream but had never seen them. Went back to do another tree job for the homeowner this summer and I'd asked him if he had seen the eagles anymore but he said no. It was an amazing sight to see. Dang big bird that can put a hurting on something. Seeing one in the wild doing what they do was awesome. Just glad he had the duck on the menu and not my head.

Last edited by furnfeather; 09/24/18 09:03 AM.

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