I started working at a wore out Asphalt Plant in Highschool one summer. I was as green as you get. I ran after a Crescent wrench one day to adjust the belt I was supposed to be cleaning because it was tracking wrong. I had learned holding a flashlight from Dad basic mechanics so it looked easy. They saw me running with the wrench and shut the plant down. I showed them what I thought they watched, smiled and let me adjust it and it save me a ton of shoveling. They let me expiriment and go to town after that. I learned how to work on and run wore out equipment from old Cat 950 loaders to skidsteers and actually mastered a dang Case Backhoe with John Deeres wobble stick controls. Went from there to my own business paving and fixing all our old wore out stuff as well. Finally went back to college and got an MIS degree and started in Software Development. That led to another business in computer repair and back into Developing. I tell people regularly and have even brought it up on Job interviews. I feel like a Jack of all Trades and a master at none, but if I can't solve the problem I can figure out what needs done regardless.

Otherwise I'm just a part time drunk that can't hunt for crap no matter who I try to learn from.

One day the right woman will come along and the next thing you know you'll be wearing her underwear!