Originally Posted by BradB
Hell Perch, it was on topic in a post I did not start.Your on Aldeer and complaining about acting like "second grade" boys?Where the heck ya been for the last few years. Thats the level of about 80% of the posts on here.You must be a Democrat because now you are making up crap you have no idea about ie whether I clean up after my dog on the street. Did I assault any high school girls while I was at it?As far as football goes you Bama boys can have it, I could care less about it, got better things to do with my time. Cracks me up every time I go up during season and see all the custom painted Caprices with 30 inch wheels full of 9th grade drop outs proudly flying the flag of the college they have never been within 100 miles of. That describe you?Anyway, been around for a while and got the
feeling you were a complete dick, now I have no doubt.Hope your life gets better, it appears from most of your posts on here it sux to be you.

Perch will give you the shirt of his back. He’s good people