Originally Posted by perchjerker
Abolt if I remember correctly, Cain withdrew due to his wife not wanting to put up with the attacks the Dems were using. I think it was an un-named female type attack too. Does anyone remember the details?

If I remember right, he was a big restauranteur and there were a couple women come forward claiming he propositioned them at trade shows and then someone else claimed to have had a long time affair with him that he said was just a friendship. It got really ugly and Cain bowed out rather than put his family through it as it was getting uglier by the day.

Bama posted a much more complete description above that I did not see while replying. That said, after reading Bama71's post, the fact that Gloria Allred (attention whore and huge liberal democrat attorney that surprisingly enough was also involved with the Trump accusers, anyone seeing a pattern here) was involved with one of the women, tells me all that I need to know and that with 99% probability there is no merit to the claims. Once again, all of this just completely disappeared never to be heard of again at the exact same time that he announced he was dropping out of the race.

Last edited by abolt300; 09/17/18 03:17 PM.