Originally Posted by abolt300
I think that Herman Cain would've been an excellent president. He definitely would've had my vote. For those that dont remember, he was not defeated by a republican challenger in the primaries. He too was derailed behind the scenes by the Democraps (because they dang sure couldnt afford to let the Republicans run a black candidate). The Dems would've lost 50% of the black vote and that would've sentenced them to losing every election from here forward until such time as they could import enough additional latino votes across our southern border. Not running Herman Cain was the single biggest mistake that the Republican party ever made IMO. He would have single handedly killed the democratic party.

I don't think he'd have gotten nearly as much of the black vote as some think..........from what I can tell (and this is purely anecdotal) most black democrats trust a black Republican even less than a white one.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft