Originally Posted by bama1971
Originally Posted by WmHunter
Originally Posted by bama1971
Originally Posted by bigt
Hell it worked for them in Alabama they might as well keep trying this tactic if conservatives are dumb enough to let it work.....

at least Kavanaugh doesn't seem to be an ass hat like Roy Moore.

That's the shitty attitude that led to and allowed atheist Marxist Globalist liberals to CONQUER and SUBJUGATE the
State of Alabama and defeat Roy Moore and install Doug Jones as U.S. Senator over the land, people and territory of the sovereign
State of Alabama.

in my humble opinion, our party not putting up a better candidate is what got Doug Jones elected. Literally anyone else would have won in a landslide.

You're wasting your breath. There are some folks who refuse to hold the PARTY responsible and, instead, put 100% of the blame on people who don't look at Roy Moore like an innocent Sunday School teacher who has never done any wrong.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft