Originally Posted by pcamper
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by BC
A member of the OSU Board of Trustees resigned yesterday because of the way that internal investigation was handled. Zach Smith is on twitter going on 30 post rants and lashing out at people and posting pictures of his kids.

This is getting better and better by the day.

Zach Smith is going to new lows posting pictures of his kids and trying to portray them as the victims in this mess. What a worthless POS.

Yep, that speaks volumes as to the kind of man this guy is. Which also reflects on Urban, why did he allow this cesspool to go on for years?

Because he believed he was untouchable and could do anything, like many coaches believe (even on the high school level). The weak-ass OSU BoT and president pretty much confirmed it.

Here's what's going to happen, too:

Next two weeks he cannot coach the team so the news media will be watching the team, games, etc. Naturally, there will be buildup to his return.

Third week, he can coach practice but not the game. OSU will severely limit his time talking with the news media - the legit ones and fawning ass-kissing homer sites, too - and then try to restrict questions "only to the team" or whatever. And he'll be asked about Smith, the investigation or whatever, as he should be, and the OSU ass-kissing fawners will scream about loving the team and the team-hating media and how all that's in the past.

And then after his return to regular coaching, EVERY press conference will include someone asking about something and the OSU staff trying to restrict and negate anything. They'll threaten people and try to act like "that's all in the past" even though it's not. Neither he nor the AD nor the OSU pres adequately answered multiple questions about the situation, the investigation and other things, and yet they want to just think it'll all go away now that football season is here.

Sort of the same way the Auburn softball team sexual abuse/assaults/phuckingaround scandal was big last year and then disappeared when football season arrived. Oops! Football's here! All that other stuff y'all keep asking about? Don't ask! It's football time! Y'all quit being mean and negative with all those softball things and go watch the football team!

The opposing team fans are going to be unbelieveably, relentlessly brutal - especially Penn State, MSU and Michigan. It will be ugly and won't let up. Meyer should be contrite and IMO he won't be able to do it. Zach Smith is a time bomb - I'll bet at some point he goes postal and assaults someone or does something worse. Dude's a mental case and needs help.

Urbs and OSU lined their bed with piles of chit. Now they get to wallow in it, thinking that "winning will make it go away" when it won't.

Last edited by Clem; 09/01/18 11:20 AM.

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