Originally Posted by bamaeyedoc
I'm waiting for someone to post that they got chosen for the one hunt they registered for on their first try. We know you're out there. Just like the 10yo who kills a 140 class 10pt. on his first deer hunt. We are congratulating you but we also hate you at the same time. grin

Dr. B

This was my buddy from down here. He didnt even known what the soa hunts were til the day before registration opened ,and I told him. He's always had good luck. In high school,he was walking through our buddies cow pasture with a 12 gauge, just shooting random stuff,when a nice 120" 10 point stepped out. He busted him. That's a dang good deer for 30 miles from downtown Tampa. It wouldnt surprise me in the least if he arrows a stud on his hunt at fred t simpson. He did give me the 1st invite,but I'll be at my camp the whole opening week and cant get off work the following week to go back up. Good luck to all other hunters that got selected. I got no hard feelings whatsoever towards anyone that got picked and wish em the best.