Originally Posted by BradB
I agree we need immigration, but spare me the huddled masses crap. In the early years of this country it needed bodies.Lots and lots of cheap disposable bodies to do menial and dangerous work. The immigrants fit the bill and back then no one was giving them free food, shelter , education, medical, anything. What we need now are smart, educated people that do not hate our values system and are willing to work and support themselves and their families. That's not what is swimming the river or hopping the fence.If that farmer hired him illegally I hope the girls family soon own every penny they have.The only thing worse than the illegals are the arses hiring them to pad their own pockets.

Exactly! Americans black and white picked tomatoes, roofed houses, shoveled chickedshit, were brick masons and so on and so on long before this bunch ever came here. But they pay an illegal to do the work for a fraction of the cost of paying an American.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!