Originally Posted by fr8-shkr
Watch a couple YouTube videos, get some clippers. Do it yourself. It’s not that hard.

+1 on this; i've been trimming my own beard for over 5 years now, it's not hard ...... IMO the trickiest thing to do is to clip your mustache; i'm very right hand dominant & can't seem to get it "balanced" -- but BearBrand has some good videos on trimming your beard and they work .... their MAIN advice is -- trim/clip MINIMAL lengths at any given time .... once you mow it all off, then you're hosed & have to wait for it to grow back ....

Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 08/20/18 09:16 AM.

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A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.