Originally Posted by Goatkiller

The 2.5-8x36 is hard to beat for the money. You might could do better with a used Zeiss or Swaro but the Leupold is more than adequate for a scope in this role. We have to consider what we are asking the scope to do and given the compact nature this is never going to be a 56mm for late food plot hunting. Of all the stuff I have at my disposal what rides on my favorite gun? This very scope. It is what I hunt with probably 75% of the time riding on my .358. Great scope in it's intended role.

Kahles made some really nice scopes in this power range and given the chance I would pick up one of those. But again, they cost about 2x what this Leupold cost. I have bought 2-3 of these 2.5-8 for under $350 through the years.

They are good scopes but my biggest issue with Leupold has always been the fine reticles. I can't see the reticle in low light which is why I have always preferred the Zeiss #20 or a Swarovski #4. Swarovski has finally made the plex reticle heavier in the current Z6 models. I finally bought a Z6 last weekend at Simmons because of the new reticle and they made a deal that was too good to let pass.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe