Thanks guys. The new format was definitely different from anything I’ve done before and it kept the pros from just running away with it. Tim Gillingham beat me the first time and Tom Boatwright got me the second time. I don’t like having the red dot at the bottom of the pad. I missed the pad two times trying to hit that little dot. RobertM I definitely needed you to run across there in your loin cloth while Gillingham was shooting and knock one of the owls down. laugh

I hope that there is a next year. They didn’t even have a sponsor for it this year and doesn’t look like yamaha is giving away a four wheeler because they don’t have one setting out on the range. I could be wrong but I haven’t seen one. On the good side we did have some new shooters and with the new format maybe we’ll get some more new ones.

Update: Yamaha is giving away a four wheeler.

Last edited by sluggun; 08/19/18 12:33 PM.

Team Rack Addicts
2016 Aldeer Deer Champions