JBL, it's odd but fish school more actively on some lakes. I've never seen anywhere that compares with schooling activity on Toledo Bend.
If they school in a spot today, they'll be there tomorrow. Unless there is a radical weather change. Usually they will reappear within 30 mins of time they were there the day before. One year I had paid my entry fee to fish a tx and was boatless when the date rolled around. I had seen them schooling from the bank and the day of the tx, I told the boat owner I just wanted one hour out of that day. I had a limit when we hit that spot. I was ready with a crazy shad by CORDELL. I culled my limit with fish over 2.5 pounds from that schooling. And got a pretty good check too. The only other lake I know of with very good schooling is Clarkshill, located on Ga/SC border. Those fish school on blue back herring and the fish are BIG! They school on many lakes, but on these two you can get on a school and they will be feeding in that area 30 mins or more.
On Clarkshill, they mostly school on points.

TC, I remember the first time I heard that joke. I bit, hook,line and sinker. It's a great joke and needs to be spread.

Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!

If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!