Just a quick point - we already have zones for turkey season and we have for decades. There are some counties that don't come in until April 1. This is the way the department has always managed turkey season; places with fewer turkeys get a shorter season.

Adjusting the season length in places where there aren't many turkeys is exactly what the department is supposed to do. Adjusting it to fulfill the desires of commercial lodges is exactly what they are not supposed to do.

I can't do it today, but I will write a letter to the CAB and the commissioner. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same. And remember that every member of the CAB was appointed by a Republican governor - do you think that heavy government restrictions on hunting fit in best with Republican ideas or Democratic ideas? I think we all know the answer to that and intend to pound it in my letter.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.