I got a Rivercane call from Gil Stacy of Savannah, GA about halfway through the season and used it to kill several turkeys. I posted about it several times back during the season. It works on the same principle as a wingbone or a trumpet, but it produces a softer call because it takes so little air to run it. There is a thread on Gobbler Nation where Gil tells exactly how to make them. It is nothing more than 2 pieces of cane with a faucet washer for a lip stop.

I got some cane about a month ago and spent some time yesterday cutting it to length, though it needs to dry some more before I finish it. They really are simple to make. With me running one, it sounds like a young hen. I'm not able to make raspy sounds with it, but it does make a sound that is a little different than other calls. It seemed to work well on pressured turkeys because it's possible to be so soft with it.

I made a test video in the house a few weeks ago, and was planning to go outside and make something that would be more professional, but I never got around to it. Here is the short video I made:


All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.