Originally Posted by abolt300
I freaking hate Urban Meyer and think he's complete loser. The only team that I despise more that OSU is Notre Dame so dont think that I am in any way an OSU or Urban "homer". That said, none of this will stick to Urban. Unless I am reading it wrong, no charges were ever filed in the incident. You had a bunch of wives texting about it and Urban called the coach into his office and the coach denied it. Without charges being filed or an active investigation, it was simply a he said, she said, and Urban could not have been expected to do anything with regard to firing this coach at that time.

But, he lied about knowing about it. It isn’t so much that he knew (although it went on for 3 years), it is that he lied about knowing. If it was bad enough for him to fire the guy it is bad that he lied about it. Why lie if it wasn’t a big deal?