Got an ol' man stand when they first came out. I was used to the old ammacker and alumailite type stands that realy dug into the tree. I took it out of the box and said, what are all these stupid straps and buckles for on the arms? I dont need that crap flopping around making noise so I took them off and tossed them in the box. 2 days later I'm climbed 25' up a water oak with my bow and been sitting there for about 30 minutes. It is dead quiet. The next thing I know, my butt hits the bottom platform as the top portion falls straight down the tree until it hits the foot rest. I'm wadded into a ball sitting on the foot platform with the top down around my neck and somehow managed to keep ahlold of my bow. I was wearing a safety harness but to say that my butt was puckered up is an understatement.

I went back to the camp and read the instruction manual on the stand and quickly figured out what those straps and buckles were for and that they were actually pretty important and served a purpose.