Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by doekiller
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
This ain’t Mexico Scott! The only place a Mexican flag or any other nations flag should be flown is at their embassies.

So, you wouldn’t fly an American flag in another country?

Only if it was on an American military installation and regulations said I could. If I lived in a neighborhood I wouldn’t. It’s disrespectful to the residents of that nation to fly a foreign flag on their soil. Same as ports. Once a cargo ship enters the port of a country it then must remove the flag of the country of origin. At least they do here.

BTW I only fly the United States of America flag at my house. I have no problem with those that fly the confederate battle flag or confederate flag. It’s their property.

Was on royal Caribbean last week and they made a guy take down his American flag that was on the ocean side they had no problems with flags on interior of ship

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin