I like many others fly a flag at the house. I have a spotlight that shines on it at night. If it starts to look it's age then it goes to the local VFW and is disposed of properly. I'm as patriotic as they come and I'm very passionate about it. If I every catch someone stomping or burning a flag then the rage in me will over come any sort of sanity and all hell with break loose.

But the thin blue line or fire fighters flag doesn't bother me. Neither does swimsuits, beach chairs or those sort of things you see printed in stars and stripes. But the flag better not used for a patch on the ass of your jeans. Now that's disrespectful! Which was common during the hippie days of the sixties.

Besides the camo hat I also wear the majority of the time a Columbia PFG hat that has the flag on it but the red stripes are replaced by pelagic fish species. I get a lot of compliments on it and it's by far my favorite hat to wear.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!