I went this afternoon from 3pm-dark. First doe came out about 4:15. She was running around and trailing her was a decent six pt. Not much more activity in the green field. I climbed down and sat on the edge of old cotton field about 10 minutes before dark. Deer chasing everywhere! Had four bucks that I could glass in different areas of the field. Saw one really good one wayyy on the other side. Too far and too dark to shoot. I saw a scape walking in to stand with one of the biggest set of tracks I've ever seen. The length of the hoof was unbelievable. It's officially on in my neck of the woods! Hunting north central Dallas and southeast Perry county, close to Cahaba river.

Last edited by RareBreed; 01/03/12 12:52 AM.

"I didnt mean to kill nobody, I just meant to shoot him once in the head and two times in the chest. Him dying was between he and the Lord."
Legendary bluesman R.L. Burnside