Originally Posted by Thefofive
I'll be the one that will say that I don't agree with him. There is NO doubt that I want to shoot animals and burn powder!! HOWEVER, if "killing" were to be my criteria of measurement, I would not hunt!

I have spent COUNTLESS hours in a treestand, in a swamp, wherever... hunting and not pulled back my bow or pulled the trigger and I have enjoyed every moment!!

I would be very irresponsible by teaching my kids that hunting is only about killing and if you don't kill something, it's not enjoyable. My family "manages" wildlife and that means selective kills. My teenage kids get more out of seeing a 2.5 or even a 3.5 yr old buck and letting him walk than they do out of killing him. They'd rather "invest" and shoot the buck at 4 yrs old. Of course, because we manage, our targeted kills are meaningful and on the wall and sometimes just watching nature is better than killing it. Goes the same for stopping your duck hunt when you have your limit and just watch'em come in.

Because that's my philosophy, my kids LOVE hunting and they hunt with an appreciative patience and they soak up the experience.

Hunting is about memories and killing ain't a requirement for it to be meaningful and enjoyable.

I'm not a fan of Roger, but I think you are missing the point of his message. He's right on in this message and we as hunters shouldn't hide from the truth because we think its politically correct. Yes we can enjoy ourselves even when we don't kill an animal, but the ultimate goal of all our efforts is to kill something.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe