Hate to break it to you but I've been there, done that. The Lemon Laws are not on your side. It takes a LOT to actually get it replaced through Lemon Law, and as a lawyer told me once, when I was exploring this avenue. You'll end up spending more in legal fees than you would if you traded/sold it and took the the loss on depreciation. I can't quote the specifics, because it's been a long time since my experience, but it's something like they have "x" number of times to fix the same issue before you can start the Lemon Law process. Then, after the process is started, they still get something like one or two more times. I know someone will tell me how wrong I am but it's been 12 years since I went through this and I know I've forgotten all the legal advice I received. I bought a new F-150 back in 2006 that was a Lemon. I owned it 1 year. In 1 year, it was in the shop 11 times. Once for a whole month. It was for issues such as, a/c went out, transmission problem, brake problem, stuck valve, had a head replaced, electrical shorts (multiple), etc... Lemon Law wouldn't cover it and the dealership and Ford wouldn't do anything for me.

Best thing to do, is to remain calm and try to deal with the dealership if Polaris won't do anything for you. Good luck.

Last edited by ford150man; 06/24/18 09:13 AM.

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