Originally Posted by CNC
I hear you…..someone will likely have the answer of “just unplug them” too…..but what happens when you can’t just unplug it?......What happens when society is so wired into technology that shutting it off means “CRASH!!!!!”…… shocked cry crazy mad gun popcorn

Don’t get me wrong…..I ain’t losing no sleep over it tonight…….but it’s definitely plausible in the 100 year future. The crazy thing that I’ve come to accept though is that I don’t think we could stop it even if we wanted to. We are destined to keep discovering until it becomes our demise……..We’ll destroy ourselves in the end. Doesn’t that make perfect sense though when you think about the story of us[/color] eating from the fruit of knowledge in the garden of Eden????[color:#FF0000]

Hate to nit pick but it's sort of a big difference, it wasn't "the fruit of knowledge" but the "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" Gen 2:9. God certainly always intended for man to gain knowledge, just not the knowledge of good and evil, and yes, you're right, we've been working on destroying ourselves ever since.