All kidding aside... And all religious connotation aside... I have given this considerable thought and I honestly think the if you follow though with this logically I think that eventually we will evolve into a race of robots.

Soon we will begin using artificial body parts and organs to extend human life.

Next we will figure out how to transfer human memories into a computer database or quantum computer.

Next we will be able to create an artificial human that has your thought processes, your memories, and basically your brain.

The the race of human robots will be able to replicate them selves and transfer memories, skills, compounding knowledge over generations and generations.

By this time the world will be running out of resources and we will need to colonize other planets and solar systems and even other galaxies.

This is where the new robot race will flourish. A several hundred year journey in a starship to another solar system will be nothing to a robot.

Then once on a new planet, all a robot needs is an energy source such as a sun to construct cities, replicate themselves and thrive. How long has Curiosity been on Mars now?