Originally Posted by CAM
Going Cave exploring: As kids we would crawl into any sinkhole or cave like hole we could find with only candles for light. The mountainous areas were all sandstone and some of the holes that opened up were because of the sandstone shifting. We didn't quite grasp this idea as kids and thought we were exploring Indian caves looking for artifacts. I'm convinced it is by the shear grace of God and several worn out Guardian Angles that I'm here today because our parents had no idea were we were and what we were up to. This is only one of the misadventures from my childhood and one that still makes me shutter when I think about it.

Me and my cousin did this, but we had flashlights, sometimes. I fell off a rock ledge one time and thought I was dead. Walked away with nothing broken thank God. Lived out in the middle of nowhere so I would ride my bike for miles via railroad cause it was much more fun than the road. You can get tons of slingshot ammo that way! We would also Wade and walk creeks and branches all day during the summer. My favorite part of summer was camping at little river mouth park. Thought LRC that was the greatest place God made, and still do for the most part.

Last edited by Powpow65; 06/23/18 08:19 AM. Reason: Spelling